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BiOLUX Essential Kit
BiOLUX Essential Kit
BiOLUX Essential Kit
BiOLUX Essential Kit
BiOLUX Essential Kit
BiOLUX Essential Kit
BiOLUX Essential Kit
BiOLUX Essential Kit
BiOLUX Essential Kit
BiOLUX Essential Kit

BiOLUX Essential Kit


Deposit MYR 4,580.00
From MYR 190.84 / monthRental   MYR


BiOLUX Portable HYDROGEN Pot Plus

1. HYDROGEN Water for Drinking

  • HYDROGEN concentration up to 1,200ppb
  • 200ml HYDROGEN Water has same antioxidant level as 100 fresh lemons

2. HYDROGEN Gas for Inhalation

  • 99.999% pure HYDROGEN gas
  • More effective for brain or lung related diseases

Product Features

  • High purity hydrogen gas flow rate at 600cc
  • Smart Heating Control for warm HYDROGEN water to 50ºC, 65ºC and 80ºC.
  • Using DuPont Proton Exchange Membrane technology to extract HYDROGEN gas from water without electrolyte.
  • Compact with 1,800ml large capacity.
  • No Installation is required.
  • Absolutely no by-products such as Hypochlorous Acid or OZONE.

  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Compact OZONE Spray (COS) 

    Features of BiOLUX OZONE Water:

  • Kills 99.974% Coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2)
  • Kills up to 99.99% bacteria and viruses
  • Removes odour
  • OZONE reverts to oxygen after killing bacteria and viruses, leaving no chemical residue

  • OZONE VS Chlorine Based Sanitizers:

  • 3000x faster
  • 50x stronger oxidation performance

  • OZONE VS Alcohol Based Sanitizers:
  • Allergy free
  • Non-drying

  • Product Video

    Unboxing Video - Pot

    Unboxing Video - COS

    The HYDROGEN Pot Plus is an enhanced model featuring 600cc of HYDROGEN gas for inhalation.  It offers dual functions: HYDROGEN water for drinking and HYDROGEN gas for inhalation, as well as the capability to warm HYDROGEN water up to 80˚C, catering to individual preferences.  You may use it to mix with other beverages or supplements as desired.

    Alkaline minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium as well as bicarbonates in the water will make the water alkaline.

    Many people who drink artificial alkaline water (splitting apart the water molecules with electricity to artificially make the water alkaline) had a pH of 9 in their urine. As a result, they will not have any protection against harmful microbes due to high alkaline urine. Consuming artificial alkaline water will neutralize different acidic fluids in the body. It will affect digestion and absorption of electrolytes. Without key electrolytes, it could potentially create a problem with the heart.

    Source: Dr Berg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovCJ0RE2sok&ab_channel=Dr.EricBergDC

    Drink HYDROGEN water for a better and healthier life. HYDROGEN has been demonstrated to have therapeutic effects in over 170 different human and animal disease models, and in essentially every organ of the human body, proven by 1,000+ researchers.

    Toxic free radicals are culprit of sickness and diseases. As HYDROGEN is a strong antioxidant, it can neutralize toxic free radicals in our body therefore reduce inflammation and anti-aging.

    Visit this website to learn more about therapeutic effect of HYDROGEN on each organs: http://www.molecularHYDROGENinstitute.com/studies

    There is no limitation. However, you are encouraged to drink at least 1.5 litre HYDROGEN water everyday to meet daily water intake requirements and acquire sufficient HYDROGEN molecules to neutralize harmful free radicals.

    Yes, you can. As our HYDROGEN water is pH neutral.

    You are encouraged to inhale a minimum 30 minutes everyday.

    When you inhale, it will go through your respiratory system so it will have more immediate effect on lung and brain related diseases (eg: fever, migraine, insomnia, lung inflammation etc). Therefore, you may inhale more frequently in a day depending on your needs.

    Do not need to worry about overdose as based on U.S FDA, HYDROGEN is generally recognized as safe (GRAS). We are registered under GRN No. 520.

    Reference: https://www.cfsanappsexternal.fda.gov/scripts/fdcc/index.cfm?set=GRASNotices&id=520# 

    To keep the HYDROGEN concentration in your water, you are encouraged to store HYDROGEN water in airtight glass, stainless steel or coated aluminium water bottles. Fill the HYDROGEN water up to the brim and avoid shaking.

    We encourage you to keep HYDROGEN water using small bottles like 500 ml instead of 1L, because normally we can’t consume all within a short period of time (30mins). However, HYDROGEN gas will escape once the bottle cap is opened, as it is no longer under airtight condition. Thus, to enjoy the therapeutic effect from HYDROGEN water, we encourage you to drink all at once.

    As HYDROGEN is the smallest and lightest gas, it will evaporate once exposed to air.

    To experience antioxidant and anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect, you are advised to finish drinking HYDROGEN water within 1 hour once exposed to air.

    HYDROGEN Pot has 2 chambers.

    For the front chamber, you should only refill RO (Reverse Osmosis) / distilled water. This RO / distilled water will be used by HYDROGEN Pot Plus to generate pure HYDROGEN gas for drinking and inhalation. To purchase RO / distilled water, look for water bottles with WHITE colour cap in the supermarket and stated with “reverse osmosis process” or “distilled water”.

    For the 1.8 litres chamber at the back, you can refill with filtered water. Tap water is not allowed as our HYDROGEN Pot Plus does not do filtration.

    To drink HYDROGEN water, you will need to wait for 15 minutes for HYDROGEN Pot Plus to convert fresh 1.8 litres filtered water into HYDROGEN water. There will be a countdown of 15 minutes indicator on the screen of HYDROGEN Pot Plus after the generating function is activated.

    15 minutes waiting time is required everytime you pour in new fresh water. HYDROGEN water concentration will be maintained by HYDROGEN Pot Plus, providing the device is power on and operating.

    To inhale HYDROGEN gas, there is no waiting time. You can straight away inhale HYDROGEN gas after activating the HYDROGEN gas inhalation function (by pressing the H2 button).

    After 15 minutes, 1.8 litres of filtered water will be converted into HYDROGEN water. The HYDROGEN concentration can last for 3 hours in the HYDROGEN Pot Plus. However, within that 3 hours, if you dispense HYDROGEN water or activate HYDROGEN gas inhalation function, the HYDROGEN concentration will be maintained for another 3 hours, repeated as it is.

    As long as within every 3 hours, HYDROGEN Pot Plus is being used (dispense water/ inhale HYDROGEN gas), the concentration of HYDROGEN water will be maintained until you power off it.

    Yes, you are advised to clean HYDROGEN Pot Plus once a week using clean filtered water. You may use a soft sponge to wipe the inner surface during cleaning.

    Compact OZONE Spray is a compact version of BiOLUX Multipurpose OZONE Bottle (MOB).  A portable spray that can convert water into OZONE water for disinfection within 70 seconds.

    Capacity: 20ml

    Size: 38mm diameter x 160mm [H]

    Weight: approximately 110g (including battery, empty bottle)

    Warranty: 1 year

    The estimated lifespan of COS is > 3 years.  This was calculated based on 6 - 8 times daily use, the actual situation depends on battery usage and water quality.

    Fill up COS with clean water, press the OZONE activation button to instantly convert your water into OZONE water in 70 seconds. When the green light is on, spray using the nozzle.

    For optimal results, use the OZONE water within 5 minutes of production (when the green light is on).  OZONE is highly active, quickly oxidizing bacteria and viruses into oxygen, which limits its effectiveness shortly after generation.

    The OZONE concentration is 2ppm.

    Charging time is 50 minutes. Charging is complete when RED light turns to steady GREEN light.

    When fully charged, you can generate up to 20 times.

    32 H2point